Digital Investigation Techniques

Multilingual open courses for journalists and journalism students from leading global news agency AFP, supported by the Google News Initiative

Cours en français


Curso en español


Curso em português


Our courses and videos have been awarded by:

Why are these courses useful for journalists?

  • Learn with examples, quizzes and tips from AFP's global digital investigations team, the world's largest team of fact checkers

  • Save time with new skills to search, verify and work safely online

  • Earn your first certificate in less than one hour

Learning Paths

Earn Your Master Certificates By Completing Learning Paths

Earn up to three Master Certificates by completing the Basics, Intermediate and Advanced courses.

Digital Investigation Techniques - Basics

Digital Investigation Techniques - Intermediate

Digital Investigation Techniques - Advanced

Learn how to search efficiently on social media

Search tips for X, Facebook, Instagram, Bluesky, Snapchat, VKontakte, TikTok, Telegram and LinkedIn.


Learn how to verify where a photo or video was taken

Pin down a location using visual clues and online maps


Learn how to tackle disinformation during elections

Find out how to monitor political campaigns, how to spot AI-generated content, how to verify disinformation circulating before, during and after an election.


Get certified by AFP, a global reference in digital investigations


Robin Ewing

Senior Lecturer - Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)

"The students really benefited from the in-depth training. I saw on their resumes when they applied for internships that a lot of them did the online training. You are teaching up-to-date tools which is great, but I think the most important part is really hammering home that mindset of verification that is so essential to journalism."

Alice Antheaume

Executive Director - Sciences Po Paris Journalism School

"Tested and approved by our team, the AFP modules are perfect 'holiday homework' for students at the Sciences Po School of Journalism. In less than 1h each day, they prepare future journalists for the first semester of classes, and beyond, for the production of reliable and verified information, while boosting their agility with digital tools."

Masato Kajimoto

Professor - Journalism & Media Studies Centre (HKU)

"Each module is what we call a 'bite-sized' unit. So you can probably spend one or two hours to finish one. I can give students assignments to finish all those courses so by the time they come to my class, they already know the tools and they know all the basics. So that works really well."

Abe Wong

Bachelor’s Degree of Journalism - The University of Hong Kong

"I’ve finished all of the courses. And out of those courses, my favorite course is the geolocation. The mapping tools they are really helpful and handy. It taught me to look into all the details that I have left in our daily life. For example the car plates, the zoom in technique, or the languages, they are really useful in our reporting."

Yvonne Chua

Associate Professor of Journalism - University of the Philippines

"AFP’s digital investigation courses are a must for anyone trying to make sense of the flood of information online. Students in my fact-checking course are required to finish at least eight modules. Whether you're a journalist, researcher, or just someone who values accurate information, this course gives you the tools to cut through the noise and get to the truth."

Discover AFP videos with fact-checking tips