Learning Paths

Earn Master Certificates By Completing Learning Paths

Earn up to three Master Certificates by completing the Basics, Intermediate and Advanced courses.

5 Courses

Digital Investigation Techniques - Basics

Inside this Learning Path:

Digital investigation fundamentals: online searching, social media Level 1, archiving, reverse image search, geolocation Level 1
Exercises to test yourself and put what you have learned from the Basic Courses into practice
Master certificate for completing Level 1 courses

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6 Courses

Digital Investigation Techniques - Intermediate

Inside this Learning Path:

Social media Level 2
Techniques to protect yourself online
Tackling election disinformation
Verifying climate claims
Master certificate for completing Level 2 courses

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14 Courses

Digital Investigation Techniques - Advanced

Inside this Learning Path:

Geolocation level 2: Use different mapping tools and find results with few clues
Find witnesses to breaking news events and obtain, check and vet images
Identify reliable sources on health topics
Master certificate for completing all courses available

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